Roms en Europe. Sous le regard de trois ethnologues, by Patrick Williams, Martin Olivera, Victor Alexandre Stoichita, Nanterre : Société d’ethnologie, 2016, p. 43-58.
The following documents are discussed in the text.
Mitraliera by the Speranţa brass band from Zece Prăjini (dir. C. Panţiru).
(Click on the image to enlarge it)
This tune exemplifies the gajicani style, as defined by the musicians.
Hora de la Toflea by the Speranţa brass band from Zece Prăjini (dir. C. Panţiru)
(Click on the image to enlarge it)
This tune exemplifies the romani style, as defined by the musicians.
Same tune for different audiences
Florin Tărâţă and his band perform the same dance tune at a wedding organized by Romainans and at a christening organized by Roma.
(Click on the image to enlarge it)
The transcription shows some distinctive features of each performance style.
Romanian wedding :
Romani christening :
See also this interactive animation comparing the two performances (as discussed in chapter V of Fabricants d’émotion).