On this site you’ll find things about my research, some music I’ve recorded, links to my web projects, and some geeky hacks I’ve found useful.
I work as an anthropologist, I play and compose music, I design websites and experiment various things with free software.
Latest posts
2023 To Bark or Not to Bark? On Familiarity, “Field”, and Speranţa Rădulescu’s Recordings
Musicology Today, 13/3 (51) (2022), 225-242. Online and pdf here. Many ethnomusicologists consider that their “field” recordings should also convey knowledge about the social and cultural context that lies beyond the immediate acoustic trace. But how exactly does one represent a “field” in an audio recording? And what is the relation between how music sounds in the ethnomusicologist’s recording, and how people on the “field” want it to sound? I will address these questions by comparing Speranța... -
Niσί Πprojεcτ - musique des îles grecques
At L'expressoir - Marney sur Seine. 11th of December, 20h30. Estelle Amy de la Bretèque: voice and percussions Helena Morag: violin Victor A. Stoichiţă: laouto -
2020 [Review] "Bernard Lortat-Jacob, DVD in Collection L’ethnologie en héritage"
Cahiers d'ethnomusicologie, vol. 33, p. 273-278. Online at https://journals.openedition.org/ethnomusicologie/4156