Website of the Société française d’ethnomusicologie (SFE). Online at

I was on the board of the SFE from 2008 until 2013. Amongst the things I took in charge was the website. It existed as static pages, roughly not updated for the last 2 years. I built a new one for scratch, using Joomla 1.5. Later I upgraded it to 2.5, when that branch became stable.

The template was initially adapted from a predefined template named JSIndustry. However the latter was only available for Joomla 1.5. When I upgraded to 2.5, I ended up recoding it from scratch, keeping more or less the same appearance but replacing tables by divs, adding dynamic widths and other improvements.

The SFE has some 190 members. All of them get an account on the website. This enables them to de several things:

  • They maintain their profile in the society’s "directory" (annuaire). The profile has public fields (list of publications, research topics…), and restricted ones. Restricted fields (phone number, address…) are used by the board for administrative purposes.
  • They announce events and publications related to ethnomusicology. Most people post about their own activity but this is not a rule.

Twice a month, I compile the latest news posted on the website and send them as a newsletter to the members and to additional subscribers (you can subscribe on the homepage if you wish). This system has effectively replaced collective mailings for member’s announcements. Collective mails are now used only on rare occasions, for announcements of the board related to the Society as a whole.

I devised this system after my previous experience with the Artmap collective. I had found that researchers in the humanities needed an additional "incentive" in order to effectively get involved in a collaborative website. They’d rather send to a mailing list than post on a website… However, there are a number of reasons why it is good for an academic society to have a lively collaborative website. The most evident is  that such a website offers a cumulative view which mailing lists don’t have. As such, it also constitutes a good public image for the society’s usefulness, network representativity and so on. This is why at SFE we have chosen that the site should be the basis of the mailing list, and that posting to the website should be the regular way to address all members.

Of course, this requires that the site be really usable even for people with limited technical skills. I took great care to simplify things, tweaking for instance Joomla’s default submission form to hide unused fields, and other such things. Also, I made illustrated tutorials for all common operations like posting an image, inserting a hyperlink… The results are not unsatisfying. There is a core of about 20 regular users, and some other  30 post from time to time. Most members update their profile at least once in a year. As to the general public, in dec 2014 we had around 10 000 visits, from nearly 6 000 unique visitors. It makes me happy that people find it useful.