11th of December, 20h30.
Estelle Amy de la Bretèque: voice and percussions
Helena Morag: violin
Victor A. Stoichiţă: laouto
Espace Charles Vanel, Lagny-sur-Marne, 22nd of June. 20h30.
Crescend'O is an orchestral educational project of several municipalities in the "Marne et Gondoire" district East of Paris.
I will play kaval, jaw harp and shepherd's flute with the orchestra for their end of year concert.
22nd of October 2016: Gogonele trio on stage at La tête des trains in Tousson (77)!
En roumain, les "gogonele” sont des tomates vertes marinées en saumure. On les affectionne tout particulièrement en Europe centrale et orientale, de la Grèce à la Russie, de la Turquie à la Serbie et... jusqu'en France ! D’où le nom de ce trio énergique et sans conservateurs qui reprend à sa sauce l'étendue richesse musicale des contrées balkaniques.
I also accompanied the play on stage (kaval flute, bouzouki, melodica) for 4 of the dates at Théatre de Ménilmontant, together with Romain Leblanc (guitar) and Estelle Amy de la Bretèque (vocals, percussion).
After a break, Monica’s Zobar was rewritten and continued its own route, with more performances planned for 2015.
22nd to 26th of April 2013, centre Mandapa (Paris)
Javanese Wayang Kulit (Shadow Puppet Theatre)
With the group Pantcha Indra.
Dalang (puppeteer): Christophe Moure.
5 performances for young public and 2 for adults.
I played saron demung.
The abduction of Sinta is a classical episode of the Ramayana.
Concert of javanese gamelan and dance. I played saron, demung and Gong. The group Pantcha Indra is led by Kadek Puspasari for the dance part, and by Christophe Moure for the musical part. Check this link for more info.
12th of July 2012, 19:00. Musée du quai Branly. Admission free.
This evening will offer a concert/conference on the Javanese gamelan ensemble Sekar Wangi (“Fragrant Flower”). We will play pieces from the repertoires of klenengan (concert music), tari (dance) and wayang kulit (shadow puppet theatre).
In-between the performance moments, G. Delebarre and E. Amy de la Bretèque, will bring out some aspects related to the teaching and performing Javanese gamelan in France.
I will play saron, demung, and gong. The concert is part of the EASA 2012 conference, and kindly sponsored by the French Society for Ethnomusicology.