Couverture Ateliers d'eanthropologie 35
Couverture Ateliers d'eanthropologie 35

Couverture Ateliers d'eanthropologie 35

Ateliers d'anthropologie nº 35, coordinated by Emmanuel Grimaud, Graham Jones and Victor A. Stoichita.

The complete volume is available online: read it here.


No matter what it is applied to —in a stunning turn, a complicated motif, a very fast solo, a dangerous acrobatic move, a machine that is particularly good at performing certain operations—, virtuosity evokes a kind of empowerment and self-celebration of technique, while also to some extent being the sublimation or surpassing of this. Taking examples from worlds that are rarely confronted, this issue sets out to show how the “facts of virtuosity” enable us to think differently about the relationship between art and technique.

Contributors: Emmanuel Grimaud, Aurélie Helmlinger, Antoine Hennion, Graham Jones, Denis Laborde, Zaven Paré, Stéphane Rennesson et Denis Vidal.